Hosting Incident #17001

Issue with expired certificates not being renewed

Incident began at 2017-02-13 16:15 and ended at 2017-02-13 21:10 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
Feb 13, 2017 21:10

Expired cert deletion is now complete. Any customers still experiencing certificate issues should try removing and re-adding affected domains.

Feb 13, 2017 17:06

We are in the process of deleting affected expired certificates. We expect this process to take approximately three hours. Once complete, some domains may still be affected if their DNS configuration is only set to use one of the two Hosting IP addresses. We are working on a fix for these customers, but they can speed resolution by making sure that both of the following IPs are resolved on their domain:

Once DNS has been updated to include both IPs, affected customers can remove the affected domain from their project, wait five minutes, and re-add it. Once added back, a new certificate should be provisioned within 2 hours.

Feb 13, 2017 16:29

We have identified the source of the issue and are working urgently to address. We expect to have an update by 6pm Pacific time

Feb 13, 2017 16:29

We have identified the source of the issue and are working urgently to address. We expect to have an update by 6pm Pacific time

Feb 13, 2017 16:15

We are currently experiencing an issue where a small percentage of Firebase Hosting sites are experiencing SSL errors on custom domains at Monday - 2/13/2017 3:00 PM US/Pacific. We are currently investigating this issue and will provide another update at 7:00 PM US/Pacific with additional details.

All times are US/Pacific
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