Firebase Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Firebase. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit


For incidents related to Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage, please see Cloud Status Dashboard. And for incidents related to Google Analytics, please see Ads Status Dashboard.

Incident affecting Remote Config

Firebase Remote Config is currently experiencing an global issue where write calls to projects that are utilizing Cloud Function integrations may be failing.

Incident began at 2019-11-18 16:28 and ended at 2019-11-18 21:32 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
18 Nov 2019 21:32 PST

The issue with Firebase Remote Config has been resolved for all affected projects as of Monday, 2019-11-18 21:20 US/Pacific.

We thank you for your patience while we've worked on resolving the issue.

18 Nov 2019 20:20 PST

Description: Firebase Remote Config is currently experiencing an issue where write calls to projects that are utilizing Cloud Function integrations may be failing globally.

This issue was first reported at approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Our engineers are still investigating the issue, and attempting to mitigate the impact.

We will provide more information by Monday, 2019-11-18 23:30 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: Write calls to projects that have Cloud Function integrations may be failing since approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Workaround: Developers are encouraged to try re-publishing their templates. If that fails, they should try deactivating their cloud functions integration for the duration of this incident.

18 Nov 2019 19:31 PST

Description: Firebase Remote Config is currently experiencing an issue where write calls to projects that are utilizing Cloud Function integrations may be failing globally.

This issue was first reported at approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Our engineers are currently investigating the issue, and attempting to mitigate the impact.

We will provide more information by Monday, 2019-11-18 20:30 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: Write calls to projects that have Cloud Function integrations may be failing since approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Workaround: Developers are encouraged to try re-publishing their templates. If that fails, they should try deactivating their cloud functions integration for the duration of this incident.

18 Nov 2019 18:39 PST

Description: Firebase Remote Config is currently experiencing an issue where write calls to projects that are utilizing Cloud Function integrations may be failing globally.

This issue was first reported at approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Our engineers are currently investigating the issue, and attempting to mitigate the impact.

We will provide more information by Monday, 2019-11-18 19:30 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: Write calls to projects that have Cloud Function integrations may be failing since approximately 14:20 US/Pacific.

Workaround: Developers are encouraged to try re-publishing their templates. If that fails, they should try deactivating their cloud functions integration for the duration of this incident.