Firebase Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Firebase. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit


For incidents related to Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage, please see Cloud Status Dashboard. And for incidents related to Google Analytics, please see Ads Status Dashboard.

All incidents reported for Crashlytics


Summary Date Duration
We have identified the problem and are working to resolve the issue. Data for the Crashlytics dashboard is now being received and processed normally. Events reported on 30 Oct between 07:00 to 12:00 GMT will not be available on the Crashlytics dashboard or daily BigQuery tables, resulting in approximately 20% fewer crashes being reported that day. Unfortunately, we are not able to recover this data. Daily BigQuery table data between 30 Oct and today is delayed. We are in the process of writing this data and it should be available in the coming days. Streaming BigQuery table data was not impacted by this incident and contains the full data set, including all crashes from 30 Oct. 1 Nov 2023
4 days, 12 hours


Summary Date Duration
We are aware of reported discrepancies in the Crash-Free Users graph. The fix is rolling out now. 22 Aug 2022
1 day, 1 hour
We're aware of a problem with Crashlytics. There are delays on many of the functionalities. We are currently investing the problem. 15 Jul 2022
8 hours, 19 minutes
Crashlytics is experiencing elevated latencies when users load the Crashlytics dashboard. Users may also experience timeouts when attempting to load the dashboard. Crash ingestion is not affected. Crashlytics engineers are investigating. 1 Mar 2022
35 minutes
Crashlytics experienced a disruption in app onboarding. Customers may have experienced delays or an inability to onboard a new app to Crashlytics. We consider this incident mitigated, and customers should be able to onboard successfully going forwards. 23 Feb 2022
8 hours, 27 minutes
We're aware of a problem with Crashlytics causing delayed notifications. We will provide an update by 1PM US/Pacific time detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change. 1 Feb 2022
4 hours, 55 minutes


Summary Date Duration
Global: Missing some NDK crashes on Firebase Crashlytics Dashboards 28 Oct 2021
6 hours, 33 minutes
Crashlytics experienced issues with Android NDK crash processing 29 Mar 2021
14 hours, 15 minutes
Crashlytics is experiencing higher than normal total crash volume, it might have increased latency. 23 Mar 2021
14 hours, 44 minutes


Summary Date Duration
iOS symbol uploads are failing intermittently 18 Nov 2020
1 hour, 45 minutes
Missing crash reports in Firebase Crashlytics 28 Jul 2020
2 hours, 33 minutes
Firebase Crashlytics is experiencing crash ingestion delay. 10 Jul 2020
3 days, 4 hours
Firebase Crashlytics experienced an issue with crashes processing. 6 May 2020
1 day, 19 hours
The Firebase Crashlytics is experiencing delays in crash processing. 24 Apr 2020
5 days, 7 hours
Firebase Crashlytics is experiencing an increase in latency and failed requests. 23 Apr 2020
3 hours, 34 minutes