Firebase Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Firebase. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit


For incidents related to Cloud Functions, Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage, please see Cloud Status Dashboard. And for incidents related to Google Analytics, please see Ads Status Dashboard.

History of incidents reported by product

View Inactive Products

Active Products

AB Testing (BETA)

No incidents reported.

App Check

No incidents reported.

App Distribution

Summary Date Duration
Firebase App Distribution experienced a disruption in uploads during this time period. The problem is now resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and continued support. 16 May 2024
6 hours, 53 minutes
Firebase CLI App Distribution users are experiencing errors while uploading their releases 7 Feb 2024
5 hours, 43 minutes

App Hosting

Summary Date Duration
Newly created backends as of approximately 9 AM PST may have certificate minting issues. 27 Aug 2024
4 hours, 30 minutes
Git-based rollouts are experiencing issues, the team is investigating a fix. To manually deploy your site, use the Create rollout button on the backend dashboard. 28 May 2024
8 days, 16 hours
Builds of Angular apps on App Hosting are failing due to Node.js v22 change. 23 May 2024
1 day, 11 hours

App Indexing

No incidents reported.


Summary Date Duration
Google Sign-in may result in a 401 for some customers. 2 May 2024
20 hours, 52 minutes
Cloud Firestore customers are experiencing permission denied errors when reading and writing to databases in nam5 multi-region. 15 Nov 2023
6 hours, 42 minutes
Enabling Email Enumeration Protection causing Account Linking Issues 26 Sep 2023
52 days, 1 hour

Cloud Messaging

Summary Date Duration
Errors delivering to a small subset of registrations 14 Oct 2024
4 days
Cloud Messaging Campaign Metrics have incorrect sent count 13 Sep 2024
22 days, 21 hours
Issue with FCM registration functionality 7 Aug 2024
2 hours, 45 minutes
Small portion of Cloud Messaging customers are experiencing delays in notification delivery. 22 May 2024
9 days
Developers who disable the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) might get permission denied error and see an infinite spinning icon in the Project settings page. 20 May 2024
1 day
We're aware of a problem with Cloud Messaging affecting web push notifications. We will provide an update by 8 am PDT detailing when we expect to resolve the problem. Please note that this resolution time is an estimate and may change. 9 May 2024
4 hours, 52 minutes
Drop of message delivery on disconnected devices 12 Jan 2024
1 day, 11 hours


Summary Date Duration
Users are unable to view a complete list of their Firebase projects on the Firebase console 24 Apr 2024
1 hour, 14 minutes
Analytics usage reports on Firebase Console may not render 19 Mar 2024
4 hours, 21 minutes
Firebase Console Usage and Billing page is experiencing delays loading data. 10 Jan 2024
1 day, 19 hours


Summary Date Duration
We have identified the problem and are working to resolve the issue. Data for the Crashlytics dashboard is now being received and processed normally. Events reported on 30 Oct between 07:00 to 12:00 GMT will not be available on the Crashlytics dashboard or daily BigQuery tables, resulting in approximately 20% fewer crashes being reported that day. Unfortunately, we are not able to recover this data. Daily BigQuery table data between 30 Oct and today is delayed. We are in the process of writing this data and it should be available in the coming days. Streaming BigQuery table data was not impacted by this incident and contains the full data set, including all crashes from 30 Oct. 1 Nov 2023
4 days, 12 hours

Data Connect

No incidents reported.

Dynamic Links

Summary Date Duration
FirebaseDynamicLinks console allowlist URL pattern update is broken 8 Oct 2024
20 hours
Missing or unable to create Firebase Dynamic Links 25 Aug 2024
11 hours
Firebase Dynamic Links is experiencing an outage with link editing. 15 Nov 2023
12 hours, 30 minutes


Summary Date Duration
Firebase extensions is unable to create, update, configure or delete extension instances. 4 Sep 2024
2 hours, 13 minutes

Gemini in Firebase

No incidents reported.


Summary Date Duration
Firebase Hosting down for some customers in India. Our engineering team has investigated the problem and has the following key findings: 1. Services are available in nearby regions, so it's not a problem with Google data centers. 2. Firebase services are healthy and stable. 3. The problem seems localized to India. We are continuing to engage with local ISPs in an effort to find a resolution. We've reached out to report the error to relevant ISPs and we recommend that impacted customers do so as well. Thank you for your patience. 13 Oct 2024
7 days, 18 hours
We're aware of connection issues to Firebase Hosting sites from some users in India. We're working to determine a cause, and will update with more information as it becomes available. 11 Jan 2024
6 hours, 7 minutes
Firebase Hosting is experiencing delays in processing cloud logging and monitoring data. 29 Nov 2023
11 hours, 49 minutes
Firebase Hosting is experiencing with cloud logging and monitoring data. 11 Nov 2023
4 hours, 2 minutes

Machine Learning (BETA)

No incidents reported.

Performance Monitoring

No incidents reported.

Realtime Database

Summary Date Duration
Clients using web-socket / long-polling protocols may notice connectivity issues when trying to connecting to databases in asia-southeast1. 18 Sep 2024
17 hours, 50 minutes
We are experiencing issues in our europe cluster. The incident has been mitigated around 9:45. 6 Feb 2024
3 hours, 13 minutes
Customers that have their Data Access Audit logs enabled, may not see logs while the incident is ongoing. 23 Jan 2024
4 hours, 3 minutes
Service disruption of RTDB in Brazil 23 Nov 2023
11 days, 15 hours

Remote Config

Summary Date Duration
Firebase Remote Config was temporarily unable to validate authentication tokens from some devices, resulting in increased 503 errors from the fetch service. 7 Aug 2024
5 hours, 15 minutes

Test Lab

Summary Date Duration
Firebase Test Lab is experiencing reduced capacity for Arm Emulators. Test executions are expected to be delayed. We are currently investigating the cause. 29 May 2024
15 hours, 15 minutes
Firebase Test Lab is experiencing disruption on x86 virtual devices at the moment. We currently estimate that users of x86 virtual device are affected. We are currently investigating the cause. 16 May 2024
2 hours
Firebase Test Lab is experiencing elevated test execution error rate. Users of Android physical devices may be affected. We are currently investigating the cause. 24 Apr 2024
2 days, 11 hours
Firebase Test Lab is experiencing capacity issue for Android Arm emulators. We are currently investigating the cause. 1 Mar 2024
4 hours, 10 minutes
Test Lab is running at reduced capacity for physical device tests. 28 Feb 2024
11 hours, 10 minutes
Elevated Execution Error Rate for iOS and Android physical devices. 27 Feb 2024
9 hours, 54 minutes
Customer tests may take longer to execute. 26 Feb 2024
4 hours, 11 minutes
Elevated Execution Error Rate for .arm device models. 23 Feb 2024
2 days, 18 hours
Availability of iOS devices is currently low due to ongoing maintenance and high usage. We are looking into bringing more devices back online. 5 Feb 2024
8 days, 1 hour
A portion of tests on Arm virtual devices are unable to be scheduled to run. 29 Jan 2024
1 hour, 15 minutes
Firebase Test Lab experiencing a ~15% reduction in Android physical device availability. 26 Jan 2024
11 days, 1 hour
Elevated error rate for tetst targeting virtual (excluding ARM) device types. 13 Jan 2024
2 hours, 15 minutes
We're experiencing an issue affecting Arm tests of the Firebase Test Lab user base. Tests may fail more often with INCONCLUSIVE results or experience long wait times. We will provide an update when something significant changes. 1 Dec 2023
3 days, 4 hours
Tests targeting Arm devices remain pending 1 Dec 2023
9 hours, 22 minutes
FTL service disruption. A rollout caused an issue. Rollback in progress. 1 Nov 2023
18 hours, 2 minutes

Vertex AI for Firebase

Summary Date Duration
Elevated 500 errors for some customers using the Gemini API in Vertex AI in Firebase 27 Oct 2024
3 hours, 20 minutes

Inactive Products

Predictions (inactive)

Firebase Predictions has been shut down. We recommend using Remote Config personalization instead.
No incidents reported.